Laboratory Services
BMC (Biomedical Center)
Open Mon - Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8-12am
KN 2 Ave, next to DHL
252 577 492
Lancet Laboratory
Umuyenzi Plaza, near Chez Lando
+250 0784 035 660
Mediheal Diagnostics & Fertility Centre
crossing KN 5 Rd - KN 14 Ave
+250 0789 184 444
Kipharma (Unipharma)
Open Mon - Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 8am-1pm
KN 74 St, next to central market in town, 0788 351 028
Remera (Gisementi) 0788 467 789
Remera (Speranza) 0788 874 827
King Faisal Hospital Pharmacy
KG 544 St, behind Umubano Hotel, Kacyiru
Emergency 252 588 888
Appointment 3938 ou 3939
Pharmacie Conseil
Open Mon - Sat 8am-11pm, Sun 10am-3pm
KN 78 St, opposite Belgian School, 252 572 374
Kacyiru (opposite Top Tower Hotel) 0788 308 200
Pharmacie La Divine
KN 3 Ave, opposite parking lot of I&M bank
252 570 816
Vine Pharmacy
Chez Lando roundabout
0788 523 498
Please note that we cannot provide medical advice, make recommendations, or assume responsibility for the professional ability, appropriateness or integrity of any of these medical providers.