What's on your shopping list this week? Looking to buy a birthday present? Searching for a new piece of jewelry? Or just going on some regular errands? Whatever is on your to do list today, make sure you stop by these eco-friendly businesses in Kigali!
Home Decor
Decorate the inside of your house while protecting what's outside!
Imigongo Art
Imigongo paintings feature bright colors and geometric shapes and patterns that will brighten up any room in your home. These paintings are recycled, made from a cow dung base. They are sold from many stores in Uganda, but one store to check out is Imigongo Arts Center who employs local youth!
Contact: +078 207 3369 or email info@imigongoart.com
Bee Light Rwanda
Bee Light sells hand poured candles created from natural locally harvested bees wax. Don't have a candle holder? With these beautiful shapes, just set these candles out on a plate or a counter, and they'll shine by themselves.
Contact: +250 780 483 089 or email beelightrw@gmail.com
Find the perfect accessory for you or someone you love!
Abraham Konga Collections
Abraham Konga Collections also creates treasures from other's see as trash: cow bone, padlocks, cooking pots and more! Products include necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.
Contact: +250 785 561 626 or visit their shop, KG 672 St, Kimihurura | House 31, Kigali, Rwanda
K'tsobe sells jewelry made out of recycled materials. These materials including metals, Jarcanda wood, and varnish are made into watches, rings, bracelets and more.
Contact: +250 784 439 158 or visit their shop, KG 13 Ave, no 12, Kigali, Rwanda.
Everyday Products
From garbage bags to bread bags!
Paper Bags Ltd.
Paper Bags Ltd. offers another alternative to plastic: sturdy recycled paper. Bags come in all sizes perfect for carrying a large load of groceries or your daily baguette home from the bakery.
Find Paper Bags Ltd. at these local businesses!
EcoPlastic provides you with a range of eco-friendly plastic products. They sell garbage bags to tarps and roofing. And if you and your family recycles, you can drop off your recyclables at the EcoPlastic factory in Nyarugenge district!
Contact: +250 788 526 312 / +250 788 319 082 or email ecoplast.hw@gmail.com.
Makeup, skincare, and more!
Ikirezi Natural Products
High quality natural oils that all made right here in Rwanda. Ikirezi Natural Products sells a wide range of essential oils from lemongrass to germanium to their newest product, rosemary oil. Essential oils can be used for aromatherapy, household cleaning, or beauty uses.
Contact: +(250) 785 489 111
or (250) 788 305 593, KN5 RD, #74
Gisimenti, Remera, Kigali
Rose & Co.
All natural hair products made with 100% organic materials such as shea butter, coconut oil, and avocado oil. Rose & Co will deliver products straight to your doorstep.
Contact: +250 789 786 537.